
Crafted unified creative solutions with customized visuals for screen and print since 2003.


To approach creative solutions on a holistic level combined with detailed visuals.

Engaged in the intersection of branding, graphics, photography, image editing, artwork, strategy, concept, media and technology.

Balancinging aesthetics, function, structure, clarity, essence and mnmlsm. And helping others towards their potential and perhaps making a difference along the way.


The content is customized and adaptable to most kinds of media and sizes both screen and print. A process is normally about starting from scratch, get to the essence and eliminating stff, rather than adding unnecessary stufffffffff.

A nondestructive workflow is essential in most processes. Making it easier to adapt, change and extract content also after it is finalized. No use of Ai or 3rd party stock sites are used in the actual work.


Design and creative solutions are far more than just adding some quick graphics, and can sometimes be overlooked as a primarily focus and investment due to lack of recognition.

Outlining the absence of design may bring further insight: Can look ugly, messy, overloaded with unnecessary quantity, does not convey relevance nor clarity, is difficult to recognize, confusing and not interesting, contains fragmented none unified content with poor legibility, looks fake as well as similar to every other service and product out there, website loading slow, difficult managing and implementing internal files, web logo with unwanted white background…and more.

Regardless of how well developed the strategy, legality, accounting and technical solutions are, lacking emphasis on design may result in an unfortunate user experince and involve unnecessary challenges.

You’ll probably find exceptions here as in everything else, such as succesful businesses with somewhat poor design, and unsuccesful businesses with somewhat great design. There are ofcourse more factors to succes than just design and creativity. All has its place.

Seeing creative design solutions from a holistic point of view beyond just graphics, which creates more unified solutions.


Combined with a holistic approach, is the ability to simultaneously work with accurate details applying mathematical values, symmetry, grids, and more.


One thing is to tweak on a singular graphic and export it. Adding the ability to efficiently and simultaneously work with multiple files in paralell with fine tuning smaller details, adds value.


Making an effort to create eye pleasing visuals is always part of the goal. While simultaneously emphesizing function and concept.


Content and solutions optimized for its designated media. E.g. a logo should work well on a website as much as on a signage or business card, imagery should be optimized for faster website loading, and more.


Most processes include a nondestructive workflow. Meaning it is possible to go back and easily edit, extract or add content on a later stage without unnecessary destruction or complications.


Maintaining proper structure on content and folders which simplfies and optimizes workflow and management.


Prioritizing personal and professional service from beginning to end. Less bureaucracy and low threshold availability.


Practised creatice solutions within design, branding, photography, graphics and concepts since 2003.



Working with startups, icons, artists and small medium businesses, whose ambition is to make a genuine positive difference, and to stand out conceptually and visually in their industry from the mediocre phenomenon: “something quick copy paste stock download don’t care how it looks”.

If you think you’re a good fit, don’t hesitate to reach out, and perhaps we can create something meaningful together.

Atlantis, Aker Brygge, Akutt, Alna Bydel, Bergen Stockfish, Bond Consulting, Ecomar, Galleri Nobel, J Møbler, Kjell Moberg, Lyn & Torden, Molde Bowling, Narve Helle, Nerstranda Senter, Norges Epilepsiforbund, Oslo Kommune, Sirkka Studio, Skandinaviske Gruppen, Smartbar, The Sense, Vimmel, Volmundo, RH Grande, Netprint… and more.

“Can gladly recommend Darner. Great facilitation and service, professional photographs, and efficient production. Great value for money”.

Studio Sirkka

“We have used Darner as our designer for years, for small and big projects, such as logo design, poster design, image editing, landing pages. Darner is a skilled advisor and graphic design supplier, who meets deadlines. Darner is recommended for those who look for graphic content, photographs and design”.

Lyn & Torden

“Was very pleased with the design outcome. Darner delivered on short notice, and did not quit until the work was completed”.
